Tata was quite busy testing its Safari Storme for three to four years before its launch. The vehicle’s 4×4 configuration and features have been strictly designed to bear the off-roading activities that this vehicle has to endure. At this time, even the top variant of the Safari Storme gets just a single DIN aftermarket music system.
However, Tata is now working on the Safari’s new interior additions which will include 2 DIN music systems and a touch screen panel for navigation. Tata is currently said to be testing the reliability of these add-ons and we could expect it to feature in the Tata Safari Storme by mid of 2013. This will help Safari to compete with the rivals like XUV500, which comes with all sorts of luxurious features and is also a better off roader.
Safari Storme features a 2.2 litre 16 valve common rail (VariCOR) engine that generates about 138 bhp of power and torque of 320 Nm with a variable geometry turbo that is couple with 5-speed manual transmission. The electronic control shift-on-fly allows the vehicle to shift from 2WD to 4WD even on the run. The vehicle has a turning radius of 5.4m, Tata claims that it is best in the class. It also offers 200 mm ground clearance, reverse parking assistant system and electrically controlled ORVMs that helps in making drive more comfortable.