Mercedes to launch fuel cell technology car in 2017

Hydrogen fuel cell technology and its use to power automobiles are not something new. There has also been a school of thought that this technology is available in the automotive sector with only compressed hydrogen, which is not very safe. In several demonstrations of hydrogen powered cars, it has been proven beyond doubt that cars do not achieve the desired range when compared to normal fuel powered cars. Additionally, there is always a chance that the hydrogen fuel tanks have a tendency to develop pressure leaks when accidents occur or through normal wear and tear and could result in explosions.

Mercedes to launch fuel cell technology car in 2017

Mercedes Benz, however, is all set to launch the B class F cell in 2015. The head of the Sophisticated Item Arranging at Mercedes Benz USA, Sasha Simon stated that this class would be launched in California and a regular sedan version in 2017. While the look and feel of these fuel cell automobiles from Mercedes is like normal passenger cars, customers are curious to know more about the fuel cell rather than its shape and structure. It is quite apparent that Mercedes Benz, which prides in their research and development facilities and excellent passenger safety record, have taken into consideration the above factors and improved upon it to ensure maximum safety when the cars hit the roads.

Simon further stated that hydrogen fuel cell technology will be considered over the inner combustion engine, and would be a more viable option as against electronic cars. While government agencies in the US are trying to bring in legislation to ease up on the restrictions placed on this technology, Mercedes is confident that this technology is the future. In the US, Mercedes B class F Cell 37 models are being leased to consumers from Southern California which is being serviced through a network of hydrogen fuel cell stations. As Mercedes continues to foray into this still unchartered universally tested fuel cell technology, consumers would first have to be convinced that this technology would be more economical and more importantly, safe.

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