Last year Mahindra revealed the all new Thar to its enthusiasts amidst a lot of anticipation as the fans have always revered Mahindra for their designing as well as ergonomics of the car. Mahindra is one of the pioneering SUV makers in India with at least five of its SUVs sky-rocketing the sales. There were certain pros and cons that came with the car and the primary response to Thar was mixed as those who are into high-end SUVs complained that the car had sub-standard interiors. The dashboard had been done up in a dull manner and the AC attached to the car wasn’t effective as well. So Mahindra emphasized on the point of renovating Thar SUV and giving it a new appeal so that no one could point a finger on any feature of the car.
So now the new Mahindra Thar has entered the picture with new interiors, which have been revamped to a considerable extent, and are bound to strike a chord with the customers. In the Mahindra Thar, the dashboard has been focused upon, and the new dashboard is much more impressive than that of the predecessor as it now comes with more attractive controls and features. The air conditioning system of Thar had also received criticisms and thus Mahindra decided to make changes into it. The new air-conditioning system is totally factory-fitted and has warranty on it. There are altogether a lot of complications that were surfacing with the previous Thar SUV but this time the company has assured a better quality of features as enthusiasts of Mahindra have always taken Mahindra cars in the highest regard, and thus Mahindra is in no mood to lose its immense and strong fan base. Certain frills as well as inclusions have been put into the car to enhance the comfort features that it provides, and all this will definitely raise the standard of the car in the Indian SUV market considered by critics and Pundits as one of the world’s most thriving automobile markets especially in the SUV sector.
There was a time that Mahindra had been ruling the SUV segment market with its wide range of SUVs. Mahindra Thar and Scorpio are said to be amongst the highest grossing cars of Mahindra, whereas Bolero, Xylo and XUV500 aren’t far behind in the race. Recently, in February, Mahindra conducted the second phase of booking of XUV 500 and it received a staggering 25,000 bookings in a span of just 9 days. Thus Mahindra expects the same kind of demand for its newly upgraded Thar as the design of the car has been done in such a manner so that the car can tackle any kind of rough terrain in any weather. The tires fitted to the car are of optimum durability and are wide-base so that the car does not skid off the course, and thus we can say that the tires fitted to the car are of high traction control.
The New Mahindra Thar is said to have hard-top feature which has been taken up from Bolero, and thus the car does not need a specifically safe parking space as it can be parked anywhere without considering any threat of the car being stolen. There are many models of Thar, and the features as well as specifications of all these models are different. Those who have a fetish for muscular high-performance oriented are strongly recommended Thar as this is one car which just won’t disappoint a crossroad junkie. Along with the hard-top, the dashboard has also been inspired by that of Bolero. The base model of Thar is basically for rural areas, and the demand for the car is already escalating in that sector of the market.
Under the hood, Mahindra Thar has a lot of power hidden beneath the lid as it is said to be powered by a 2.5 L Turbocharged diesel engine having a BS3 Direct injection compliant type configuration. Mahindra strongly felt that Thar will be more applicable for the roads in villages and mountains as a driver won’t feel the car when driving in an urban area with smooth terrain. The real fun of driving and feeling the car is when you go off-road with it. The top model of the car has a very strong engine that has been taken up from Bolero. It is powered by a 2.5 L mEagle engine of BS4 Compliant type, and is capable of churning out an incredible amount of power as well as peak torque, which in turn gives the car an immense thrust. Thus one can expect that car to have an impressive pick-up, which is something that is necessary while driving off-road.
Mahindra is well known for the services it provides to its customers, and the customer care of Mahindra is always answerable to the queries of the customers as value-added satisfaction is something that Mahindra considers as its prime motive towards its customers. The company has a strict intent of adhering to the queries of the customers, and once Thar started receiving complaints, Mahindra took to the workshop and re-modeled the car with new interiors as well as a better air-conditioning system that is something that was lacking in the previous model. There is a lot of rivalry that Mahindra carries on its back especially with the luxury car makers who have invaded India from abroad. Thus Mahindra has a lot going on in its research wing, and are innovating at an impeccable rate so that they can easily lock horns with its counterparts, and continue to sit on the throne of SUV market in India.
Since the car is a total off-roader, thus one can expect it to carry a considerable price tag which justifies the features that it comes with. Thus Mahindra has justifiably priced the highest variant of CRDe-fitted Thar 4×4 at INR 8 Lakhs, whereas the base model is priced around INR 6 Lakhs. Ruling that market is the prime intent of every auto-maker, but overthrowing Mahindra off the throne is something that is going to take the best out of the rivals it has in the thriving Indian automobile market.