Until now Mahindra’s XUV500 was dominating the Indian MPV market and set several sales and performance records soon after it hit the market. Now India’s most trusted brand, Tata is coming up with an uplift of its renowned SUV, the Safari Storme. The Indian market has been eagerly waiting this SUV to hit the market ever since it was showcased at the 2012 Auto Expo in Delhi.
Placed just below the current phase of Safari Storme, the 2012 variant will go up against Mahindra XUV500. Tata seems confident with their new SUV, as it features a four-wheel drive system, something that the XUV500 lacks. As per design configuration, the new Storme features a ladder-frame chassis, which like its predecessor is featured in previous generation SUVs. Whereas the Mahindra XUV500 has an advantage here with the modern monocoque frame.
Powering the Safari Storme is a 2.2-litre Common Rail Turbo Diesel engine, borrowed from DICOR. This motor can pump up to 140 bhp and 320 Nm of torque. Mated with this diesel motor is a G76 mark II five speed transmission, featuring robust, quick and quick gear shifting. Also featuring in the 2012 Tata Safari Storme is the relocated space wheel, which will now be mounted on the floorpan of the car’s rear, then be connected on SUV’s tailgate. There is no word on the interiors yet, but we expect Tata to supplement the Safari Storme with class-leading quality and mid-segment features.
Finally its down to pricing. The 2012 Safari Storme is expected to be priced slightly below the XUV500 in order to eat into its sales. More details will be updated soon.