Ferrari has launched its Ferrari 812 Superfast in India starting at Rs.5.2 crore. Cost of customization is not included in the price. The 812 Superfast is powered by a 6.5-litre naturally-aspirated V12 petrol mill churning out a whopping 800HP. This means, this is the most powerful engine in Ferrari’s history. With all this power, the 812 Superfast can go to 100kmph from standstill in just 2.9 seconds and has a top speed of 340kmph.
The 812 Superfast is also the first Ferrari to have Electronic Power Steering. The 812 Superfast is a two-seater rear wheel drive car. The car will be offered with a lot of customization options from seat stitching to steering wheel finish. A whopping Rs.40 lakhs worth of customisation are on offer with the car.