The price of MG ZS EV starts at Rs. 20.99 Lakh and goes upto Rs. 24.18 Lakh. MG ZS EV is offered in 2 variants – the base model of ZS EV is Excite and the top variant MG ZS EV Exclusive which comes at a price tag of Rs. 24.18 Lakh.
Recently MG launched the updated version of ZS EV. MG ZS EV is one of the most popualar electric vehicles in the country. It was the second product to be launched in the country from the brand MG Motors.
We bring you the list of MG ZS EV Genuine Accessories with pricing, which will not only enhance your MG ZS EV but also keep it safeguarded.
Mud Flaps
Car Cover Silver
Carpet Mat
Chrome Finger Guard
Chrome ORVM
Chrome Front Fog Garnish
Bumper Corner Protector
Hood Branding Chrome
Chrome Headlamp
Wind Deflector Chrome