Reeves and Sayle bag Sure Side Car race

Tim Reeves and Dan Sayle bagged the winner awards at the first side car race of the season at Isle Of Man TT. It was the initial TT triumph for Reeves whilst Sayle turned the joint most fortunate passenger in record attached on 8 gains with Rick Long.

The travelers couldn’t have asked for a healthier climate as situations were ideal all over the mountain path.

It was the couple of Ben/Tom who headed the early part of the 3 lap race with 1.3 seconds over Reeves/ Sayle at Glen Helen.

Things were taking place as per program for the Birchalls as they placed two quick nonstop sector timings to broaden their lead by 5.48 seconds.

Reeves and Sayle bag Sure Side Car race
However, there was a turn in the contest when the pair clipped the bank at Kate’s Cottage while descending the mountain that lead to a puncture and they had to strike out with complete displeasure.

This event promoted Reeves/Sayle in first place who finished the initial lap with an average pace of 113.75 miles per hour that broadened their lead over Molyneux/Patrick Farrance in 2nd position by ten secs and Conrad and Aylott a further 2 secs adrift in third place.

On the other lap, the chief pair they further heightened their speed as they revolved around the peak route and set the most excellent lap pace of 114.608 miles per hour.

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