General Motors India Sales Surges by 2.4% in April 2013

General Motors was seen to be not doing so well for past some days but while announcing the results we found that figures were quite dominating in the industry, in spite of dwindling market conditions with rough patches.

Concluding the sales figure, it was revealed, General Motors India had sold 8196 vehicles in April 2013, registering a growth of 2.4% against the 8005 vehicles sold in the same period of last year. Listed below table says the whole cluttering data in a gist form, clearly speaking on every aspect of the carmaker.

Model wise sales break-up for April 2013:

[table id=130 /]

Chevrolet Cruze

Well, the Sail moniker had sailed very smoothly on Indian waters, which is then followed by Beat, and Tavera who still finds the hot spot in spite of remaining in horizon for years.

Commenting on the results, Mr. P. Balendran, Vice President, General Motors India, said, “We have recorded a marginal growth in sales on the back of the good response to the newly launched Chevrolet Sail. Despite announcing attractive sales offers, the showroom footfalls, enquiry levels and conversion rates remained very poor. We do not expect the market to improve in the short term, as the market continues to remain subdued due to economic slowdown, political uncertainty and various other factors”.

In the term of Indian market scenario, Chevrolet had remained in the sidelines of fast moving lane, because all of the spaces is in the main arena is influenced by mass giant “Maruti”, so competing to the king, Chevy has to do rounds of the Indian rural grounds, taking cues what it takes to penetrate deep in the veins of local; and very exclusively those sorts of practical refinements is witnessed on the newly launched Sail sedan, hence the figures are also proving same.

Overall, the fleet of Chevrolet in India also consist SUV Captiva, Cruze, hatchback Sail U-VA and Spark, in addition to all of the bespoken model plates in this content.

The upcoming minivan Enjoy is also laying down traits for other carmakers of industry, and hence also reflecting its rural expansion strategy on the core, to compete Nissan Evalia for now.

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