The Guinness World Record of automotives are good to read in the free time, which at the same time also makes a one aware about the enthusiasm and passion people around the world carry for those beloved machines.
This time, Germans made way to the top of the list by performing fastest tyre change in the history without using any power tool. The team belongs to an auto parts and repair company called kfzteile24, which included four mechanics. They did the job in 59.62 seconds on a Ford Focus. The previous record of the fastest tyre change was performed in 1min 23.85sec, where the new entry has seriously raised the bar and plotted a huge difference of 24.23 seconds.
At the moment of making a new entry in the books, Eva Norroy, Adjudicator, Guinness World Record congratulated the whole team for their success and cited it was the a great show put up by the team which had did a very thorough practice and good homework. A strong training and willingness of the team made them to reach the book of Guinness World Records.