Hand Shake of BMW and Brilliance to Bring a New Sub-Brand in China

BMW is everybody’s favorite and Chinese are not an exception.

In 2012, China had shown an overwhelming response for automobiles and had also roped in a number of carmakers there itself. Need not to say, it is too in the hit list of every automobile organizations while many of them had launched their limited edition with “assorted only to Chinese” badge.

This time, BMW and Brilliance have joined their hands for bringing in a new sub-brand in the land of Great Wall, as exclaimed by Chinese automotive media.

BMW x1 in China

The outcome of new venture is titled as “Zhi Nuo” which roughly means “The promise”. As per rumors, BMW’s 3 Series platform will be pinned under the new offering while some other sayings incline us towards X1 platform.

As usual, no official announcements is made till date but one may expect Shanghai Auto Show to be the perfect paddock for such kind of declarations rather than a common press release on any of the given weekdays.

It is learnt that key plans of “Zhi Nuo” is rolled out to Chinese BMW dealers for deriving a clear picture before the official revelation. This new moniker will be a part of Asian extension plan and particularly for China only.

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