Maharashtra Auto rickshaw drivers to go on indefinite strike from 15th April

The auto rickshaw drivers in Mumbai are likely to go on strike from 16th April and will be once again be holding unfortunate travelers to ransom. This time round Mr. Sharad Rao, Union at Mumbai Automen suspects that the strike might turn aggressive in case if their protests are hindered. He has also warned all drivers of auto rickshaws against driving their rickshaws during the period of strike. Mr. Sharad Rao will inform MNS (Maharashtra Navnirman Sena) and all auto rickshaw unions about the forthcoming strike for supporting the auto unions in their march for justice.

Auto rickshaw strike in maharashtra

One of the main reasons for the strike is to the press for demands concerning issuing of auto rickshaw permits that costs 1.40 lakh. The union wants an interim increase from Rs.7 to Rs.9 for subsequent KM and from Rs.11 to Rs.16 for the base fare thereafter. The other two demands besides this would be to appoint new trade enquiry committee for including social security when deciding the fares. The question of making e-meters mandatory is another bone of contention between the auto rickshaw drivers union and the transport authorities.

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