Mercedes-Benz Axes Bare-Basic G-Glass Professional

Mercedes-Benz earlier discontinued the G-Class cabriolet from the repertoire, now a report on internet is claiming Germans to be discontinuing the bare-bones G-Class Professional from the sales chart too.

Mercedes-Benz started producing the G-Class in 1979 after following the suggestion from Shah of Iran. It then took over the world of off-roaders and Europeans got the 461-series of it, which was very much identical to the original G-Class. In 1990 the Mercedes-Benz then rolled out the 463-series that was sold to armed and military forces, but it was 2010 when the layman was entitled to buy a one of its sample for their personal use. Not stopping since then, Mercedes flourished a number of G-Class variants in the market.

The one that is discontinued from the sales chart is the 461-series which was initial face of G-Class, also known as Geländewagen or G-Wagen for most of time. However, at the point of writing none of the reasons has surfaced behind the discontinuation of Geländewagen. But it can be expected the brand now wants to lay down complete focus on the most trending G-Class in market, rather than going something out of the box and feeding niche.

Mercedes-Benz Axes Bare-Basic G-Glass

Ongoing G-Class is delivering the whopping number of sales from the market, so the plans of making it more lucrative may be rounding the minds of Merc Heads.

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