Owners Knit Their Beetle a Wool Sweater, Win Award

Volkswagen Beetle is most probably a girl’s preference (we know boys love it too), but we hadn’t thought of someone in this world may knit a sweater for it.

Many of you will not believe this fact (as guessed); hence we had posted a picture of the same down this blog.

To information, ‘the 40kg sweater laded Volkswagen Beetle’ is one of the cars gathered at the 9th annual beetle Sunshine Tour, held on the Baltic shores of Europe.

And the folks (who are also its owners) seen posing in the photograph are Marthe and Magnus Schwarz from Neustadt/Holstein.
Owners Knit Their Beetle a Wool Sweater
“It took us seven months and 40 kg of wool to create this, it’s been so much fun!”, said Marthe for lending a comment to its beloved VW.

“It’s been a tough decision to pick only one most beautiful Beetle,” said Gaby Kraft, who organizes Beetle Sunshinetour ever since 2004. Undoubtedly, the knitted Beetle won the top award at the show.

The one, who chooses to bright its Volkswagen Beetle under the leather jacket, fur, and other such sorts, now can do it peacefully after viewing this vehicle on their screen.

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