Tata Nano short film competition kicked off

So now the people’s car will be featured in thousands of short films as Tata has kicked off the Nano short film competition across the globe. Via the competition, they are urging all the eager film makers across the world to make a film and the shortlisted candidates will then be given a Nano each which they would have to include in their films. This is an interesting subject whom the company has taken and ever since Nano hit the market, Tata has always come across innovative ways of promoting the car.

The film makers have the liberty to make the movie on any topic of their choice and it is not mandatory that the story should be centralized around Tata Nano only. But the car should be there in most parts of the movie. Tata hopes to garner thousands of entries from all across the world and out of all those; they will be short-listing to only 12 contestants. These 12 contestants will be getting a Tata Nano each. Responses have started to pour in and Tata is enthusiastic about the outcome of this competition. Those 12 short-listed will be getting a Nano each and then will compete against each other. The selection criterion is pretty simple. Those who get short-listed amongst the 12 will be making their movies and will then be posting it online on YouTube upon which the two films which get the maximum response will then go to the final round. The prices that the auto major is offering are grand and thus there is a lot of hype circulating around. But before that, the participants must check out the Facebook page of Tata Nano for the details of the competition. All the instructions, rules and regulations, registration terms and procedures have already been updated on the page.

Tata Nano short film competition kicked off

Tata is encouraging more and more participants to turn up as this is a promising opportunity for budding film-makers. Tata Nano is considered as one of the most economical cars ever built and now is the time when Tata is planning to launch the diesel version of the car in the market. There are fair chances that the CNG version of the car will also be available for grabs but no news as such has surfaced lately. Tata is utterly enthusiastic with the way in which Nano won the hearts of the middle class people in India ever since it was launched 2 years ago at the Auto Expo 2010. Recently at the Auto Expo, Tata Motors showcased more variants of Nano which they promised to roll out when the right time comes. Owing to the increase in petrol prices to colossal extents, the demand for Tata Nano has increased over the past one year but this demand will be fulfilled only when the diesel version of the car is launched into the market. The prices of petrol have been burning a hole in the pocket of commuters and thus they are going for diesel cars over petrol cars.

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