Thief squeezed BMW X6 inside a Volkswagen LT van

 This is how you could fit a BMW X6 into a Volkswagen van, claimed a Romanian car thief on the borders of Hungary.

GTA must have been inspiration for a number of car thieves, but a one from this sort had surfaced for the first time ever. The BMW X6 stolen in Italy was transported to other countries in an old Volkswagen LT panel van. The thief managed to cross the borders of Austria and Slovenia but got stuck at the Nagylak border in Hungary. The guards at the last checkpoint of Hungary smelled something fishy when saw this cargo being transported across the border. Immediately, they ran database search where it came to their notice a BMW X6 was stolen in Italy.

Thief squeezed BMW X6 inside a Volkswagen LT van

That’s all to say about this incident, we think, thieve may have fitted a number of components of BMW X6 inside the cabin of VW LT panel van after gushing them inside separately.

BMW X6 inside a Volkswagen LT van BMW X6 inside a Volkswagen LT van

BMW X6 inside a Volkswagen LT van

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