Audi City Virtual Showroom Bags BT Retail Week Technology Honor

German luxury auto manufacturer, Audi, which kicked off the globe’s first completely digital vehicle store, Audi City ‘virtual showroom concept’ in the city of London in 2012, has presently bagged a ‘Store Technology Award’ in the high-status BT Retail Week Technology Honors.

More than 500 of the United Kingdom’s key retail merchants along with technology suppliers went to the prestigious awards ceremonial that took place on June 19 at London’s Park Lane Hilton, situated just around the first ever Audi City venue in Piccadilly, London.

Evaluators leading the 12 category honors comprised information technology and commercial directors from some of the nation’s most honored and budding retail groups, comprising Jacques Vert, John Lewis, Net-a-Porter as well as House of Fraser.

The Store Technology honor is latest to the group list for this year.

Audi City Virtual Showroom Bags BT Retail Week Technology Honor

Jason Cranswick, chief of Client Quality and Network Development for the company, who took the honor for the brand, stated: “I’m completely pleased that the company is the first receiver of this innovative category honor, chiefly as it comes courteousness of highly appreciated leaders from a few of the most regarded names in United Kingdom retailing.”

“The Audi City initiative is Vorsprung durch Technik down to a tee – it bucks styles, holds the potential and uses advanced know-how to make life simple for our clients. It also assists to bring us nearer to them, both with respect to geography and in terms of the personalization. We’re greatly proud of it, and thankful that it has currently had the gratitude we sense it earns.”

Audi City London

Rebecca Thomson, Insight Editor at Retail Week, stated: “Retail engineers don’t have a trouble-free job – they are addressing with structural transformations, which are extraordinary, and functioning to equip the business for a shopping atmosphere, which will depend almost completely on technology.”

The Audi City arrangement allows the complete Audi model array to be introduced completely digitally in a solid space, turning it perfect for casting the Vorsprung durch Technik product right into the spirit of key international cities. Over twenty Audi City stores are likely to be in position in major locations internationally by the next 2 years period (2015).

Audi City Virtual Showroom

Thanks to revolutionary media technology, all color patterns, equipment alternatives and tasks for all the company models can be exhibited in their entirety, letting clients to enjoy the pure breadth of the assortment completely. Visitants can digitally choose their car from a number of possible patterns and experience it in sensible 1:1 level on screens, which almost fill the complete space.

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