Jaguar Land Rover Shows Fostering Sales in the month of January 2013

The UK’s leading manufacturer of luxury automobiles, Jaguar Land Rover, sold 34,877 vehicles in the month of January 2013, upped by 32% as compared to the same duration of last year. Significant growth is experienced in all the markets, namely China (by 74%), Asia Pacific (by 46%), Europe (by 10%), North America (by 24%) and its homeland UK (by 33%) too.

Phil Popham, Jaguar Land Rover Director of Group Sales Operations said, “With one of the best month’s sales performances ever, both Jaguar and Land Rover brands have had a very strong start to the year”. He also affirmed that the new launches of Land Rover and 2013-spec XJ and XF models had played brilliantly for such boosting results.

Jaguar Land Rover
Detailing it further, Land Rover had rolled out 29,118 vehicles in the last month (being increased by 31%), as Freelander’s proportion rose by 57% topping the models chart. UK, USA and Germany showed positive vibes to this luxury off-road moniker.

However, moving on to the other one i.e. Jaguar, 5,759 vehicles were sold under the stride of pouncing jaws. Overall sales of Jaguar are raised by 40% while XJ emerged as the winner with a whopping 70% increment which is followed by 37% of XF. This British luxury marquee did well in all the major markets of world with no exception to anyone of them. XF Sportbrake of smaller displacements with AWD had proven itself a star in the whole range.

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