Based on the platform of Verito sedan, Mahindra launches Vibe in the compact car segment with a price tag of Rs. 5.63 lakh (ex showroom Mumbai). It wobbles the same Verito sedan output from Renault borrowed 1.5L dCi diesel engine. However, concerned about the mileage, Mahindra confirms the return of 20.8 kmpl in the least (as per ARAI).
Positioning their newbie in between four corners, the India based carmaker had wrapped Vibe around the drapes of ‘Style’, ‘Space’, ‘Reliability’, and ‘Safety’. Sporty exterior styling, LED tail lamps, carbon finished front grille, black inputs inside headlamps, roof rails, and the first in segment champagne colored honey comb alloys, are the tweaks that differentiate it from the competitors in just a stance.
330 liters of boot space, and the three person seating capacity on rear seats completes its uniqueness in the spaces claiming arena of compact cars belt. Moreover, the 3 years/100,000 kms warranty whilst of ABS with EBD fills in the latter two pillars of Vibe i.e. ‘Reliability’ and ‘Safety’ to the core. Made available only in the diesel variant, Mahindra had positioned it in the following trim levels:
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