Nissan Datsun could be build in Mexico

At the time of unveiling, Nissan has said that it will be launching Datsun in India and Indonesia for the first stage and then elsewhere. Adding to the fizz, Nissan CEO Carlos Ghosn said, “We’re launching Datsun in India and Indonesia, and we feel it’s going to be very successful. So we say, why not in South America?”

Mexico will be the manufacturing bay from where South Americans are said to be benefitted for Datsun. Ghosn declined to say anything on it at the press meet of new plant in Aguascalientes, Mexico. He said, “This is another question: Are we going to build Datsun in Mexico?” but looking at his aforementioned statement in the first stanza, it can be considered that there lies a strong possibility for the low-cost brand of Nissan to be launched in South America as well.

Datsun GO, the compact car, will be priced for as low as $6500, and now it is been revealed that an MPV version of the GO will also hit the markets soon.

Datsun GO

India is derived to see Datsun on roads by February 2014. This new plant of Mexico is going to play a bigger role in the repertoire of Nissan for its production of cars. 1 million cars is the nearby target of this facility for the next few years. It is expected to look over the market demands comprising of North, Central and South America.

Added for the last, Carlos Ghosn maintained a shady cover on the topic, whether Datsun is going to re-enter US or not.

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