Nissan globally recalls its Micra – the Indian variant is not impacted

The Nissan Micra hatchback from Nissan India has more of a demand in overseas market as compared to the Indian domestic market. Most Nissan Micra exports are handled from its Oragadam manufacturing facility in Chennai. However, in recent developments, this leading car manufacturer from Japan has been forced to recall 9600 models of the Nissan Micra that had been manufactured in its Indian plant due to a supposed mechanical problem. As per sources within the company, the car has the possibility of experiencing petrol leakage as the sensor that handles fuel pressure has not been properly fixed in a lot of its models.

Nissan globally recalls its Micra - the Indian variant is not impacted

The recall process is being undertaken for repairing this petrol leakage by having the fuel sensors tightened. However, this recall process has been restricted to the Micras that have been sold in the global markets that have been provided with a direct system of petrol injection and the Indian variant of the Nissan Micra has not been impacted by this error. Hence, owners of Nissan Micra cars in India do not need to worry. The version of the Nissan Micra that is being exported delivers better torque and power than the Indian variant as this model has been supercharged. This has, however, not been a deterrent for the demand of the Nissan Micra in the Indian domestic market as recent sales figures of this car has been showing an upwardly trend. The version that is being preferred the most by the Indian consumers is the K9K turbocharged 1.5L diesel engine variant, which offers excellent fuel efficiency.

Nissan globally recalls its Micra - the Indian variant is not impacted
This engine has proved to be highly responsive and does not have any turbo lag. This has made the vehicle an excellent one to drive particularly in the scenario of congested traffic conditions in the Indian cities. As turbo lag is not present, hence regular changing of gears for maintaining turbo zone is not required, thereby simplifying the aspect of driving the car. This aspect has also formed to be the core USP that has been made use of by Nissan India for promoting this vehicle in the Indian market, which has made use of the catch phrase “Drive Simpler – Live Better”. A major lacuna that the diesel version of the Nissan Micra suffers from is the fact that it has not been equipped with ABS in any of its variant. What is most surprising is that even the top-end variant of the Nissan Micra diesel has not been provided with this feature.

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