Nissan to replace Ford as Champions League soccer sponsor

Sports have always remained a galore for the carmakers around the world. Not because it only gets a fame and delivers more than billion coverage at a time, but it is also a talk of prestige which sometimes get the auto making companies registered in the history for doing a unique campaign during the event.

However, the Champions League soccer from next season will now not be supported by the Ford, as Nissan had planned to step in the shoes. Making a move aggressively, this will help the Nissan to gain good response from Europe despite being hailed from Asia.

Nissan confirmed to have signed the four-year agreement with the League’s committee, which it says, is one of Nissan’s largest sponsorship deals yet. Without official confirmation on the amount signed for, Nissan declined to comment on media reports that said it was paying as much as $75 million per season for the rights.

Nissan to replace Ford as Champions League soccer sponsor

Ford has remained a sponsor of the Champions League, the most prestigious club competition in European soccer, since the season was launched in 1992-93.

As per Nissan, the Champions League reaches through a cumulative TV audience of more than 4 billion over the course of soccer season from September to May, drawing big viewership from as far as Asia and South America.

In addition, the Champions League also had a board of eight main sponsors who can advertise at matches and use the competition to promote their brand on TV and online.

“The power of the Champions League is that we can reach people everywhere with it,” said Roel de Vries, Nissan’s global head of marketing. “A big part of that is obviously Europe where we have ambitions to be the number one Asian brand.”

As we talk of Asian carmakers’ status in Europe, Toyota is the brand to hold a leading position, with a market share of more than 4 percent, while for the second position on podium – a fight of Nissan and South Korea’s Hyundai always remained a sight.

As per to a report, car business in Europe have shrunken in recent years due to the financial crisis.

As a result, Ford has now said to go precise with the market campaigning, and opted for the digital communications. It is now a fact that Blue Oval logoed carmaker of US is betting hard on digital sources for its upcoming 25 new vehicles over the next five years.

Nissan is also a sponsor of the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

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