Steve Jobs wanted to build an iCar

Apparently, Steve Jobs was not just a gadget-guy; the motoring bug bit him very soon. After doing wonders in the world of computers and phone, Jobs had an iCar up his sleeves, as revealed by Apple board member and J. Crew chief Mickey Drexler.

The spokesperson went on to reveal that it was Job’s dream to create an iCar, but the idea failed to materialize. According to Drexler, though Jobs never actually designed the cars, it would have taken “50 percent of the market”.

Steve Jobs wanted to build an iCar
Jobs had however, started working on a television, which is rumored to make a world debut in 2013. It was Jobs’ dream to contribute in all the aspects of technology, from phones to pods and pads, and an iCar is a practical thought. We fancy it would be a marvelous creation, possibly with touch screen driving technology.

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