Toyota Corolla almost loses its crown to Hyundai Elantra

Toyota is being given a run for its money. From now onwards, Toyota will always have to look over its shoulders to keep a track off its competitor, Hyundai, who is closing in faster than ever! Many years back, the Toyota Corolla took the world by storm. The product became the bread and butter for the Japanese automobile giants. It was the sole car responsible for ousting Ford from their rank and placing Toyota on the coveted throne. The Corolla became the highest selling car of all times, putting the Volkswagen Beetle to shame. Now that very Corolla is under threat, by a product equally competent and popular. We are talking of the Hyundai Elantra. The car makers Hyundai had been following close behind for quite some time with their product.

The product doesn’t just fair well in terms of quality and reliability, but also scores high in terms of brand image and more importantly the sales. The company has been raking in the sales with their Hyundai Elantra product and at this rate, if Toyota Corolla doesn’t make some impressive alterations, it will topple it very soon from the number one spot. Even though the Elantra makers are a bit far to reach that mark, but it has got into ‘The’ list. The list of cars that has crossed the one million units sold mark in a year. The only other cars that have achieved the fantastical target is the Ford T model, the Volkswagen Beetle and the already much talked about here, the Toyota Corolla.  Just being on that list, gives the brand the added publicity that it might have been vying for all this while, perhaps giving it the edge over Toyota in the coming year. It has been creating ripples on the motoring world for a long time, now it’s about time the general public stands up and applauds the company’s achievement.

Hyundai Elantra in India

If you are already overwhelmed by the Elantra’ success, don’t be! There’s more! The car came audaciously close to the frontrunner, selling less than just 10000 cars in the last year.  Toyota better watch out, Hyundai is breathing down their neck. We are all anxiously waiting for the next year to unfold as we keep an anxious eye on the competition. Either Toyota gets to keep the coveted title and scrape through from a close shave or Elantra does the near impossible feat of toppling the giants. The car, as we have heard has already statistically beaten the Toyota Corolla and the Honda Civic on many aspects.

Toyota has had a bad run this year. The Japanese manufacturers have seen it all last year, from earthquakes to Tsunamis. The country has had some devastating setbacks and recognized establishments have crumbled. And now with the flash floods in Thailand, the component supply to the car manufacturers also seem to have come to a standstill. All this hurdles have left Toyota with a mountain to climb. That has been reflecting on their ‘less than immaculate’ show in the upcoming markets and sales in the early half of January this year. But given the time the auto giants will again surge ahead to reclaim the title. But as of now, let’s focus on Hyundai, who are the just winners in our book, for the time being, even though they haven’t toppled the Corolla, yet it’s quite an impressive feat.

Toyota Corolla in India

Now back at in our country, the Hyundai Elantra flaunted itself at the Auto Expo this January promising a launch later this year. So with Hyundai spreading its wings and diversifying to one of the biggest upcoming auto markets, it sure spells doom for the Japanese giants.  But the Toyota with their hunt for perfection cannot be ruled out just yet! Whatever happens, we will be here to follow an auto giant showdown of epic proportions.

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