Used cars for sale in Ahmedabad- a market overview

Recently on a trip to Gujarat and especially to Ahmedabad, I happened to notice that there are many used car dealers. Now used car dealers are not a big thing in cities like Ahmedabad however some of the used cars for sale in Ahmedabad were actually unique ones. Some like the Toyota Corona or Toyota Celica which are usually absent from even the Mumbai market were to be found in the Ahmedabad market. Now that’s a shocker. Usually used car dealers are more to be found in metropolitan cities rather than small ones like Ahmedabad.

However unlike Mumbai, there are many small scale businessmen in Ahmedabad and they happen to have huge reserves of disposable cash. All these cash cannot be stowed away for the fear that there would be an income tax raid and hence this was the reason as to why they rather invest in the second hand cars for sale in Ahmedabad. Even going in for new cars would entail certain legal procedures however going in for used ones doesn’t warrant that much legal procedures. Moreover they can save some moolah as well in the bargain. I personally feel that the used car market in Ahmedabad is more organized than the one in Mumbai. Agreed that Mumbai has better infrastructure in place and also big show rooms. However the ones in Ahmedabad earn more each day than the ones in Mumbai.

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