Volkswagen India, which has managed to receive a good reception in India, since it was first launched in this market, recently, registered a 151% growth in sales for the month of July, selling 6,529 vehicles, in comparison to the 2,597 vehicles it sold in corresponding period last year.
According to reports, the company’s Polo compact car, as well as their Vento sedan continued to be the main sales booster for the company, having a total sale of 6,353 vehicles last month. The company managed to sell around 109 vehicles of the Jetta in July. VW also announced that the new VW Jetta will be launched on August 17 in India.
Neeraj Garg, the company’s director and board member of VW Passenger Cars, was quoted as saying that they are quite pleased about the response they have received for their products, specifically the Polo that has managed to sell so much in spite of the present scenario in the market. These changes reflect the growing confidence of customers towards their product line up in India.