Mahindra & Mahindra will be introducing its Mahindra Reva NXR, a small electric car sometime in the month of April next year. The Mahindra Reva NXR will better the present Reva by providing more legroom at the rear. It will provide comfortable seating capacity for four passengers and is designed by Dilip Chabbria, celebrated Indian car designer. It is expected to provide 150 litres of cargo space and looks better as compared to previous model, thanks to sharp lines across the body. The design is simple and attractive and has cute overall appeal. The Mahindra Reva NXR will be equipped with features such as air conditioning, stereo system with speakers, power windows, 12V power outlet and power steering. One of the extensive features found on this model is the Revive Technology, which acts like reserve fuel tank, if the battery runs out.
The Mahindra Reva NXR will be available in two trim levels: the lithium ion battery variant and lead acid battery variant, which will provide the top speed of 80 kilometers per hour and range of 80km per charge. According to Mahindra, its lithium ion battery will offer range of 160 kilometers per charge and both models will need 8 hours of charging period to be charged completely. It will be available for the price of around Rs. 6 lakhs, Mr. Rajan Wadhera, Chief Executive of Technology at M&M said. At present, the company markets near 50 units per month of its Reva 4.