Worlds First: Audi Tested Piloted Driving System Publicly In Florida

Piloted cars are the near future, and it seems to be taking shape very aggressively, as Audi becomes the world’s first automaker to publicly test its piloted car in Florida, USA.

As per the officials of Audi, piloted Audi will behave smartly when the driver is overstretched. Piloted technology helps the car to act responsibly in complex situations as well when the driven will fall short of his skills to act. Formally, this new tech will help to improve the safety of roads.

Worlds First Audi Tested Piloted Driving System Publicly In Florida

In the piloted driving mode, the Audi in traffic (upto 60km/h) itself will brake and accelerate judging the sensation of traffic jam nearby, relieving the driver to a large extent. And in case if the traffic jam disperses this system will hand over the control to driver, or if the car has reached at the dead end of road then driver is entitled to give the further direction. By chance, if the driver will fail to take on the charge, the system will bring car to a standstill.

The test was conducted at Lee Roy Selmon Expressway near Tampa in Florida. The test run garnered a number of eyeballs (including politicians) and paparazzi to bear witness to this world’s first test.

The car that was used on the test was an Audi A7 fitted with 22 sensors. A newly developed laser scanner was also fitted onto it. A central data processing base called “zFAS” processed the data collected by sensors, which in actual holds up a picture of the cars surroundings. And this base is comparatively smaller than the size of tablet PC which makes it compatible go into the production for large numbers.

Though, the clear words are not lent by Audi when the piloted tech will actually go into mass production and when the first product will be unveiled.

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