After launch of the premium hatchback Indica D90 in Indian market, Tata Motors has now launched the vehicle in the Nepalese market. The Indica D90 is available with the 1.3 litre Quadrajet engine that churns out 90 bhp of power and is coupled with the Variable Geometry Turbocharger (VGT) technology. The vehicle has been designed especially for the adventure loving customers. The Indica D90 has raised the bar in the hatchback segment with the several first and best in class features.
The Indica D90 is available in five exciting colours; Porcelain White, Cavern Grey, Jet Silver, Ultra Violet and Spice Red. The top of the line version i.e. Indica D90 ZX PLUS has been tagged with a price of NPR 26,95,000.
Speaking on the occasion of launch, the Country Manager for Nepal and Bhutan, Passenger Vehicles Business Unit of Tata Motors, Mr. Gurinder Singh said that Vista D90 is totally a new car that has been packed with the best and first in class technologies and sportier looks that will appeal to the adventure seeking young buyers. He also said that they were receiving the enquiries for the Vista D90 and hoped that customers will like the latest edition to the Tata’s portfolio in Nepal.
Tata Indica Vista has been blessed with tons of features. The vehicle is powered by a specially tuned 1.3 litre Quadrajet Diesel trim with VGT technology which offers decent 90 bhp of power. The vehicle also comes with the built in multi-media system with touchscreen along with the voice guided GPS navigation. It also comes with the Blue5 technology that allows you to pair about 5 mobile devices through the Bluetooth, fully automatic climate control with HVAC and advanced driver information system. New generation instrument cluster, Electric ORVM, steering mounted controls etc. has also been added to the vehicle.