This fine week, China has struck an intensive punch on the face of automotive. Earlier, the record held of parking in tightest spot in a parallel situation by a British – is now owned by a Chinese stunt driver.
As reported and can be seen in the video below, the Chinese stunt driver and drifter Han Yue at China Drift Championship in Chongqing, parked a MINI 3-Door Hatch parallel into the spot that is mere 8cm (3.15 in) longer than the vehicle. Earlier, it was the British stunt driver Alastair Moffatt who made a record in July last year, by parking the vehicle in a gap that was 8.6 cm (3.4 in) longer.
Hence, it isn’t the first time that Han Yue made such an enticing attempt. Back in 2012 this Chinese man also parked a MINI Cooper Chinese Job Special Edition into a spot that was 15 cm (5.91 in) longer than the hatch.