If you are a first time driver or even a driver with experience, there are many things that usually cannot be avoided and some amongst them are accidents. The WHO or World Health Organization says that Indian roads are one of the worst ones in the world with death tolls reaching 1,30,000 just last year. Well, the country with the largest population in the world, China, has been overtaken by India now. Most of these accidents happen due to incompetent drivers being handed over the driving licenses and general lack and knowledge of rules as also discipline. However the other side of the coin says that Indians should be far more equipped than people from other nations, as far as handling accidents is concerned. However we all know that this is far from the truth. Infact, we don’t even have an emergency number like 911 where we can call and ask for expert advise in case of an accident or any other calamity. Infact in an accident, people don’t rush forward to aid the victim and infact end up checking out who out of the two or multiples involved is the guilty one. Infact, most of the times, one of the victims or person involved in the crash gets a sound treatment (read beating) from the gathered mob. However we have taken the onus upon ourselves to educate you about what to do if an accident were to occur.
- If at all your vehicle hits some one, then make sure that you put on your hazard lights and go help the victim. Many would argue that this would mean they are in fault however bear one thing in mind. Many a times even if you are at fault and you help the victim, chances are seeing your good nature, the victim would not press charges against you.
- Every car carries a first aid kit and if the injured person has minor injuries, then apologize to him and render first aid to him. Most probably, there are some who would feel a bit off the page covering wounds and stuff but do keep in mind that you are doing all this only for the sake of not only saving a human life but also potentially getting yourself away from danger of being put into jail or even fined. Note that if its an accident between two vehicles, then you better take the details of the other person and also the car’s registration number.
- If in the accident, the injured person appears very serious, then rush him or her immediately to the nearest hospital. As it is, a new ruling by the High Court says that hospital people should first get the victim admitted and then all other formalities can follow including a police report.
- Once the victim is admitted, do provide your name, address and other details to the matron of the casualty department. In most of the hospitals, there would be a
constable stationed just outside the casualty ward and he would be more than glad to take down the details from you. Until the police arrives, do make your presence felt in the hospital premises.
- If suppose in an accident, you are surrounded by a mob and are unable to administer first aid to the victim, then call the nearest police station or dial 100 from your mobile phone.
- Most of the people nowadays use a camera phone and as soon as the person needing your help has been taken care off, do take pictures of both the cars, witnesses and also their names.
- Register an FIR in the jurisdiction where the accident took place. This would come into picture if there is any major damage to the body or even property damage.
- For claiming damages done to property necessarily the car, contact your car insurance agent immediately. Many of the insurance companies want that their surveyor should visit that particular spot to survey the nature of the accident. If not done, then the insurance claim wouldn’t be passed enough and you would be still left crying long after the accident has occurred.
Thank you. I wish to know if my scooter is messed by a car and scooter rider my daughter succumb to multiple fractures and admitted in DY Patil hospital, in such case what is the formality to claim damage to scooter ? What are documents to be produced for the purpose. Unknown car driver helped my daughter in crisis. He got her admitted and police took down FIR in presence of local corporator and others. Now the car driver wish to have mutual understanding and avoid court case. What and how do I proceed? Pl. guide